Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Attached below are past meeting minutes, click a link to get started

Meeting 9/21/22

Meeting 11/16/22

Notice to Community

Meeting 10/04/23

Current Board Members

Amy Bierbaum, President

Kendal Paulsen, Vice President

Lindsey Eblen, Treasurer

Aric Yochum, Secretary

Tim Navara, Athletic Director

Rick Nickerson, High School Principal

Jacon Shupp, New Activities Director

Cindy Chapman

Kristin Kotrous

Tony Mauer

Kelcie Chlupacek

Danielle Johnson

Athletics is woven into the fabric of our culture. It doesn’t only impact the players on the field but helps bring the student body and community members together as they rally behind and become part of the team!



The name of the organization will be Treynor Athletic Community Booster Club, of Treynor, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.    


It is the purpose of the Treynor Athletic Community Booster Club to encourage and support Treynor School’s current and future athletes, and to support Treynor School in the operation of athletic events.


  1. Softball

  2. Baseball

  3. Football

  4. Football Cheer

  5. Volleyball

  6. Girls Cross-Country

  7. Boys Cross-Country

  8. Girls Basketball

  9. Boys Basketball

  10. Basketball Cheer

  11. Wrestling

  12. Wrestling Cheer

  13. Girls Track

  14. Boys Track

  15. Girls Golf

  16. Boys Golf

  17. Girls Soccer

  18. Boys Soccer

  19. Weight Room

  20. Dance Team         


Membership shall be open to any person who subscribes to the purpose and function of the Treynor Athletic Community Booster Club. Members do not have to have students currently enrolled at Treynor Schools to join.



Section I:

The affairs of the club shall be managed by a ten (10) member Board of Directors who shall comply with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Treynor Community Athletic Booster Club. The tenth member will be the Activity Director or in his absence someone appointed by the school which will represent the administration of Treynor High School and who will serve as a non-voting member.

​Section II:

No member of the Board of Directors shall serve more than four (4) consecutive years, including the fulfillment of an un-expired term of a previous board member except the Athletic Director. An elected term is two years in length.


The six officers of the club shall be adult members with a child enrolled in Treynor School or live within the Treynor School District and shall consist of the President, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair Person and Activity Director.


Section I:

Four (4) regularly scheduled meetings shall be held annually. Meetings will be held in the months of July, October, January, and April.

​Section II:

Meetings other than four (4) yearly meetings will be conducted upon call of the President or two board members.


These Articles of the Constitution may be amended at a meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the board, provided due notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given in writing to all members at least seven (7) days previous.



Section I: Qualifications

  1. Membership is open to persons who subscribe to the purpose and function of the Treynor Community Athletic  Booster Club and shall run through the fiscal year.

  2. Annual dues, club levels, and privileges for membership shall be determined at the last meeting of the current fiscal year for the next fiscal year.

Section II: Representation

Each adult member is entitled to one vote when personally in attendance at meetings of the club. Proxy votes are not allowed.  


Section I: Number and Term of Office

The business and operation of the club shall be managed and controlled by a board of ten (10) directors who shall be elected by a plurality vote of the members prior to the first annual meeting for the year.

Section II: Vacancies

In case of any vacancy on the Board, a successor for the unexpired term shall be appointed by the President until the next election.

Section III:  Meetings

Board of Directors meetings shall be held at a time and place called by the President.

Section IV:  Quorum

3/5 of the directors present at a scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Section I: Officers

The officers shall be elected at the annual (April) meeting. The Board, from their number, shall elect for the ensuing year, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chairperson.

Section II:  Duties

  1. The President:

    A. Shall preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors.

    B. Shall personally represent the club or appoint a delegate as needed.

    C. Shall appoint committees, committee chairpersons, and ad hoc committees.

  2. The Vice-President:

    A. Shall have such powers and perform such duties as delegated by the President.

    B. In the absence or disability of the President, he/she shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.

  3. The Secretary:

    A. Shall keep all minutes of all Board of Directors and membership meetings.

    B. Shall keep such other records as directed by the Board of Directors.

    C. Shall sign with the President, or with the Vice-President, all contracts.

    D. Shall perform all the duties usually incident to the office of Secretary, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.

  4. The Treasurer:

    A. Shall keep the financial records of the club, collect dues, and authorize payment on approval of the Board. All funds are to be kept in the Booster Clubs account at Treynor State Bank.

    B. Shall perform all the duties usually incident to the office of the Treasurer, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.

  5. The Membership Chairperson:

    A. Shall keep all membership records and update all rolls on a monthly basis.

    B. Shall keep a database of past and present members for club use.

    C. Shall advise the club on membership commitments from the 18 activities.

    D. Shall organize yearly membership mailings to past, current, and potential members.

  6. Athletic Director

    A. The Athletic Director shall represent the administration of Treynor High School.

Article lV — Bookkeeping, Accounting, Records and Procedures

Section I: 

  1. Bookkeeping- A Chart of accounts that accurately reflects the income, revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities of the Club, shall be prepared and maintained by the Treasurer. The Board may prescribe such chart of accounts. An archive of books, records, financial statements, and relative documents will be maintained in the Club office on the school premises or other locations designated by the board. The Secretary shall keep a record book.

  2. Books, Records, Chart of Accounts- The Club shall keep correct books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and Committees having any of the authority of the Board of Directors.

  3. Inspection- All books and records of the Club may be inspected by any member in good standing for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.

  4. Report- The treasurer will be required to submit a detailed report at the end of each year.


The fiscal year of the Booster Club shall begin August first and end July thirty-first.  


The following section defines the policy for the Treynor Community Athletic Booster Club.

  1. The club shall be non-political and non-sectarian.

  2. The name of the organization or the names of the members in their official capacities shall not be used without written consent.

  3. Persons representing the organization shall make no commitments that bind the organization, unless authorized by the Board of Directors.

  4. The Booster Club shall have the following standing committees:

Class sponsored

Summer Concessions

Winter  Concessions

Youth Boys Basketball Tourney

Homecoming Dinner

Golf Tourney

Youth Girls Basketball Tourney

Each class will have an event that they will run 7 -12 grade and in their senior year, they will train the Sixth-grade class.

Booster sponsored                  





Clothing Sales


Each committee will have 1-2 appointed chairperson(s).

Any additional committees can be created upon a majority vote at any monthly meeting.

5. Merchandise- The Booster Club will purchase the merchandise for fundraising activities and make them available to all teams for their individual fundraising. Sales proceeds of such merchandise by individual team volunteers shall be divided between the Booster Club general fund (50%) and the individual team's fund (50%).  The 50/50 split may be modified by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Sales of Booster Club merchandise during events underwritten by the Booster Club shall be directed to the general fund. Proceeds generated by parent-directed sales of individual teams shall be directed to the individual team account.


Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution and By-Laws.


  1.  The funds of this association shall be used to further the purpose expressed in Article II of this Constitution. Only the Treasurer, upon the approval of the Board of Directors, shall be authorized to disburse funds.

  2. Funds can be used for the advancement of the youth and Junior High programs, under the direction of the head high school coach for their representative program.

  3. Prior to distribution of the funds a request form must be submitted to the Athletic Director who will submit the request to the Treasurer.

  4.  The President of the association shall have the authority to authorize expenditures up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) each month outside of the established percentages when it is not feasible to call a special meeting of the Board of Directors. A report of expenditures shall be given at the next meeting.

  5.  This association is organized as a non-profit organization per section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and no member shall have any legal or equitable ownership in any of its funds or property.  

  6.  In the event of the dissolution of this association, any funds or property remaining shall be turned over to Treynor Athletic Department.

  7. All funds are to be counted by a minimum of two members deposited in the approved bank at the end of each event.

  8. The Treasurer of the association shall authorize payment by check of all debts of the association within seven (7) days after receipt or on approval by the Board of Directors.

  9.  The funds may be withdrawn on the signature of the Treynor Athletic Booster Club President and Treasurer plus one other board member.

  10. No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall be used to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.

  11.  Each activity will have its own account within the Booster Club where funds raised by the activity will remain until needed.

  12. For the fiscal year 2016-2017 the first $10,000 raised will be applied to the Booster Club’s operating account, all other funds raised during this fiscal year will be added to the general account and will be allocated to the activities using the percentage chart, up to $75,000, for use in the fiscal year of 2017-2018. Funds over $75,000 will be added to the Booster Club’s operating account.

Percentage chart





Girls Cross-Country-3.0

Boys Cross-Country-3.0

Girls Basketball-7.0

Boys Basketball-7.0


Girls Track-5.0

Boys Track-5.0

Girls Golf-3.0

Boys Golf-3.0

Girls Soccer-6.0

Boys Soccer-6.0

Weight Room-7.0                           

Football Cheerleading-2.0

Basketball Cheerleading-2.0

Wrestling Cheerleading-2.0

Dance Team-3.0


These By-Laws may be amended at a meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the board, provided due notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given in writing to all members at least seven (7) days previous.